Blog Days [Week 1]

Hey guys! Meredith here, bringing you a post. Gemstone is sassing me in the background because I couldn't figure out which buttons to press.
"I am a mythological creature! You are a teenage girl from the computer age, and I can work Evy's laptop better than you!"
Thanks Gemma. You rock.
 And now my hair is on fire. Somebody doesn't like being called Gemma. I'm used to it though. I'm seriously thinking about shaving my head, that way I don't have to cut my hair two inches shorter every week. Or maybe I'll just borrow one of Evy's enchanted hairnets.
I'm laughing now because Gem is in her cage. Thanks Mint. You rock too. Smell of burning fur. Gem is going to get it so bad when Evy finds out Gem burned her cat.
But anyway, this post wasn't supposed to be about Gemstone's bad behavior. So to the point:
This week (I don't care that it was two, Gemstone) Evy basically just worked on setting stuff up.

1.5 chapters of The Element Guardians published.
One photo shoot
One shoot in progress (Probably Friday)
One massively annoying dragon (I'm talking to you, Gem)
One new follower (Go Birdsong!)

And that's basically it! See you next Wednesday!


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