A Collection Of Flowers

I take a lot of pictures of flowers. Besides water and my American Girl Dolls, they're one of my favorite things to photograph.

You may recognize a few of these from past thumbnail images. That's about the only use I've found for them so far. If you can think of other things to do with them, let me know!
(Click the pictures to make them bigger.)

This was part of a bouquet of white flowers that had been dyed red. This flower bloomed later and so it has a mix of pink, white, and red petals.

I love this photo so much. It's so good.

Hello, overexposed color. I took a lot of these in Washington, D.C. last year while I was still figuring out how to use all the camera settings. 

Man, this focus again. Would have been better with a deeper focus.

I took this one half for the sign and half for the flowers. Excuse Allie and Delbert's feet on the side.

All the fences in D.C. were so pretty. Aaaaaaaa!

The quality on this one kinda sucks and we have Canva to thank for that, but I love this picture. 

I took these two at the pool over the summer. I wanted to bring my camera because the area is soooo pretty, but I was afraid I'd drop it in the pool, so I never did.

This potted plant was at the Forestiere Underground Gardens in Fresno, California. This was the only picture I have from the visit, but the gardens were so pretty. The guy who built them was upset that it was too hot to grow his citrus trees in California, so he dug himself an underground house and planted his trees there. If you ever get the chance to go, I really recommend it.

 You may notice that I mostly figured out the exposure in this one.

This one came out very soft and I think it's cute. 

Okay, not a flower, but still good.

 Not flowers in the traditional sense. This is a metal sculpture in downtown Athens that I thought was pretty neat.

This was taken at my school last week. It's the last of the flower pictures I have.

Also, side note before I go, I have switched back to a Blogger profile instead of Google+ in preparation for not having Google+ anymore. It shouldn't change anything, but if it does, now you know.

What's your favorite thing to photograph?


  1. I love flowers!! Amazing photographs!
    Ann x

  2. Ooh I love these! So pretty 😍 I love taking photos of flowers as well 🤗

    Andrea @ spaceshipsvampiresandsecretagents.blogspot.com (for some reason my iPad won’t let me log in 🤔)


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