The Wisteria Writer Tag

 So, Anika from Anika's Avenue nominated me for the Wisteria Writer tag. I am going to answer her questions and then ask my own.

Annika's Questions:
When did you start taking writing seriously?
Sometime after my Warriors fanfiction, Sunclan's Prophecy, was finished. My family loved it, so I wrote more. 

Have you ever taken writing classes?
Yes. My mom taught one at a homeschool group once. 

Have you ever gotten published?
No, but that would be awesome! 

Favorite book(s)?
Too many to count. 

Favorite book(s) you've written?
My favorite ideas are probably some of my "secret" books that I've never shared with anyone.  Namely, Illusion and Bitten. 

How's your grammar?
I consider it excellent. 

Who inspired you to start writing?
I am not sure. I have been writing stories since kindergarten, so my teacher I guess.

What is your worst writing pet peeve?
Probably that my word processor doesn't like some character's names. Unique spellings are difficult.

Reading pet peeve?
When The author redeems a villain and then kills them. Keira Cass, why did you have to kill Celeste?

Favorite place to write?   
My bed. 

 I nominate:
Whoever wants to do this Tag! I don't know any other bloggers who write, besides my sister. Because I don't have any specific nominees, I am just going to use Anika's questions. Here they are without my answers.

When did you start taking writing seriously?
 Have you ever taken writing classes?
Have you ever gotten published?
Favorite book(s)?
Favorite book(s) you've written?
How's your grammar?
Who inspired you to start writing?
What is your worst writing pet peeve?
Reading pet peeve?
Favorite place to write?  

Bye for now,


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