Craft Fair and Fall Pictures

Hello again. Today I have some pictures of things to show you.
Firstly, I went to a craft fair last weekend. I got three pairs of earrings and Ali got a doll dress. It looks totally adorable on Rileigh!
But anyway. I did take pictures of everything, as well as some other cute fall stuff.
Halloween earrings! These are so cute and I should wear them a lot this week. That is my hair in case you were wondering.

Do these scream "dragons" to anyone else, or is it just me?

I think these teal ones are my favorites. They go with more than the other two pairs, and I love the color.

Here's Rileigh with her beautiful ringlets! And the dress. Isn't the dress so cute?

heh... I took a lot of these.

Now on to the fall pictures!

Mr. Turtle picked out the CUTEST PUMPKIN EVER!! EEE!

And to finish this post, Amber. She wouldn't get out of my chair.
Until later,


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