The Get To Know Me Tag: Writer's Edition!

Andrea from Spaceships, Vampires, and Very Secret Agents tagged me for the Get To Know Me Tag: Writer's Edition! I love all these questions, as well as her answers, which you should go check out.

  1. link back to the person who created the tag (Savannah Grace from Inspiring Writes.)
  2. Thank the person who tagged you (Thanks again, Andrea!)
  3. Share the tag graphic (optional, optional! I know it won't go with everyone's blog design)
  4. Tag eleven bloggers
Let's get to the questions!

Vital stats / Appearance

(pen)Name: Lanie!

Nicknames: Emo Spicy Girl. I mean, I guess it's a nickname. It's almost a joke at this point.

Birthday: November 2nd! (send me gifs or something.)

Hair color and length: Medium blond, a little longer than shoulder length, and curly. Today it's super fluffy!

Eye color: Blue

Braces/piercings/tattoos: I'm a little confused as to why braces are in this category? Anyway. I am grateful that I don't have braces, and my only piercings are just regular ear ones. I want to get a second ear piercing. I kind of want a tattoo as well, but I'm so indecisive it will probably never happen.

Righty or lefty: Righty

Ethnicity: Caucasian


First novel written: I think Caught Outside was the first novel-length story I ever started planning. I never finished it, but I hope to do something else with the characters one day.

First novel completed: I've never finished any novels, but I have finished two short stories! Climbing Starlight and The Lights We Fade In. (The latter has not been posted yet. It will happen soon, I promise.)

Award for writing: I've never won anything or entered any contests.

First publication: Ha, I wish.

Conference: Never been!

Query/Pitch: Never. (I'm not a very accomplished writer...)


Novel (that you wrote): This is a really hard one, but I think it's Hazernia? I put a lot of effort into the world building and characters that I'm really proud of.

Genre: ROMANCEEEEEE! Give me all the cute clichés.

Author: Maybe Rick Riordan? It's hard to choose.

Writing Music: It differs based on the project. I have playlists of Imagine Dragons songs for Caught Outside and Hazernia. While I was writing The Lights We Fade In, I listened to The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance on repeat. Sometimes I just put my Spotify library on shuffle and go from there.

Time To Write: Whenever I don't have other stuff to do. I never have time to write because of school, and it makes me sad.

Writing Snack/Drink: Cheese-its. Firstly, they taste good, and secondly, they don't get crumbs on the keyboard like potato chips.

Movie: Up. I've only seen it once, but I cried the entire time. IT'S SO CUTE AND SO SAD BUT IT'S ALSO HAPPY WHAT IDK.

Writing Memory: The first time I joined a Camp NaNo write in, the hosts noticed my snippet in the chat and read it! I think I may have squealed.

Childhood Book: Harry Potter or Warrior Cats.


Reading: The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth.

Writing: The third and (hopefully) final installment in the Hazernia series. Then I can go back and condense it and try to fix the inconsistencies. Also the third part of Tales From The Bookshop!

Listening to: The Forgotten by Green Day. It's so pretty!

Watching: I'm writing this in the student center at the community college where I take classes, and there's one of those animal TV shows on. On a related note, hyena noises are very cute.

Learning: French. I'm really enjoying it. Should I say something in French? Uhhhh... J'ai un chat.


Want To Be Published: Yep! I want Hazernia to be published one day, but who knows if it'll actually happen.

Indie or Traditional: Probably traditional? I don't know a lot about either.

Wildest Goal: I don't mean to copy Andrea's answer but... If someone ever wrote fanfiction of something I wrote, it would mean the world to me.

I tag:

That's not eleven people, but it's as many writers as I can think of. If I didn't tag you and you want to do this, go right ahead!

That's the tag! Now you know maybe a little more about my writing habits. Do you have a favorite story of mine?


  1. This was really cool! If I had a blog, I would definitely go do it!!
    I really liked your Climbing Starlight, which actually was my original inspiration to write my (finally finished) novel, Gazing at the Stars (oh my gosh thank you so much.) and also Half the Sparkle made me cry so bad....

  2. It was really fun to read your answers! Nice to know more about you :D

  3. Good answers, cousin! I also have a question- are you going to change your blog address? I mean, you’re not Evy anymore.

    1. That is still under consideration. The problem with changing it is that I would have to create a new subscription feed and all my followers would have to refollow. I'm just going to stick with the old URL for now.

  4. does Jai une chat mean I have one cat?

    1. It means "I have a cat." Une does mean one, but it is also the feminine form of un, which means a/an.

  5. I never took French. Can you tell? lol.


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