My Sixteenth Birthday // The Sunshine Blogger Award

I turned 16 a month ago. Yes, I should have done this post sooner, but I had other things planned. Anyway!

Sixteen is kind of a big deal. It's only 2 years now until I'm a legal adult, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I can get my driver's license in a month.
It also means that I only have two years left of high school, and sometime between now and when I graduate I need to figure out what to do with my life.
The prospect of being an adult is terrifying. I don't understand how adults do it.

My birthday was nice and pretty chill as far as celebration goes. I got some CDs and some very cute snowman earrings from my sister. I went out to dinner with my family and my sister made cupcakes.

I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award (for the fourth? fifth? time) by the lovely Ann!

  1. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator.
  2. Nominate 11 blogs.
  3. Ask them 11 questions
1. Are you a vegetarian?
Nope. I think I could survive being a vegetarian, but weirdly enough, I think I would miss ground beef the most. Not steak or bacon, although those things are great. Ground beef is super versatile and I think I would have a hard time adjusting to not being able to just mix it with rice and have a legitimate meal. Also tofu is gross and no one can convince me otherwise.

2. Do you keep a diary?
I do! I love journaling, although I've been bad about keeping up with it recently.

3. Kebab or burger?
Hm... Can I say both? You can put lots of delicious things on burgers (have you ever tried a hamburger with guacamole? 10/10), but kebab meat is usually better.

4. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Night owl all the way. It might just be a teenager thing, but there's something peaceful about being up late.

5. Where did you meet your best friend?
I met her at my dance studio in third grade, where we bonded over both being homeschooled.

6. Describe your best friend in three words.
Ooh... Excitable, funny, and short. 

7. What was the last movie you watched?
Cars 2. It's my little brother's favorite movie and he wanted me to watch it with him. He watches Cars or Cars 2 at least once a week.

8. How many times have you been abroad and what countries have you visited?
Never. I'd love to visit Europe, though.

9. What do you think about learning dead languages (e.g. Latin)?
I think it can be really important to preserving cultures. When I took AP Human Geography last year we talked some about languages that had very few native speakers left, and the speakers were trying to preserve the language.
I took Latin for two years in middle school and wound up hating it, but I think if my teacher was fluent in the language it could have been more enjoyable. 

10. Facebook/Messenger or Instagram?
Instagram! I feel like Facebook is parent social media, no offense meant to people who use Facebook. I also think it's weird to follow people that you don't know IRL on Facebook but not so much on Instagram.

11. Do you have your favourite actor/actress?
The only actors I know are Daniel Radcliffe, Jennifer Lawrence, and Emma Watson. Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. I almost never watch live action movies.

I tag anyone who wants to do this tag, since I've already tagged all of my friends for this before. I hope everyone had a good November. Christmas-themed posts coming soon (ooooo :)).


  1. happy one month late birthday! I hope all was going well and I had been wondering what had happened to you since your blog had not had no new posts recently till this one. Sorry that your blogger friend is gone. I find instagram better mainly because that is my main means outside of email I chat with people. : )

    1. I did make a post last week, did you see it? I was super busy last month thanks to school and Thanksgiving and NaNoWriMo, so I had almost no free time to blog.

    2. Oh. I guess it got lost in my feel as you ain't the only one who is super busy due to school :)

  2. Ahhhhhhh 16 is so so so so crazy!!! Happy early birthday Lanie!

    Nabila | Hot Town Cool Girl

    1. 11 months early, lol. 16 feels really old? But I don't feel old? It's weird.

  3. Happy belated birthday, my love! I hope that you had an amazing day! <3
    Khadija | October's Lallu


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