Woods and Waterfalls

I went on a trip to a state park for fall break two weeks ago. We were up in the mountains and the view from the lodge was beautiful.

These were taken from the back porch of the lodge. I spent a long time staring at the mountains.
Just a disclaimer: I only have my phone camera, and it hates direct sunlight. That's what's going on with the top of this photo. It hasn't affected most of the pictures, but there are a few like this one. 

We got there on Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Friday. On Thursday morning we went on a hike. This trail was the access to the beginning of the Appalachian Trail, and there was a creek. It was in the woods the whole time, but as we got further up the mountain the trees changed.

Some more pictures of the creek.

I looked at this and thought, "Trees are weird." 

This was about the point where we turned around.

These trees look a bit like a fantasy forest, don't you think?

On the way down we stopped to have a snack and wade in the creek.

Allie was telling Mr. Turtle not to step on the rocks.

The water was cold, but it felt good to take my shoes off.

A little waterfall.

I call this angle "gaging how deep the water is because I am not keen on falling in the creek." It would have been up to my waist. I didn't step down.

Later that day we went on a walk to see a waterfall. This one had a path that ended in a lot of stairs that we did not climb.

The creek flowing from the waterfall.

The internet could always use more pictures of my feet.

This water is so peaceful.

Rocks and shiny water.


I thought this sign was really pretty.

This is the view from the overlook where I stopped.

Here is the top of the falls. Allie went all the way up to the bridge, but everyone else was too tired to climb that many stairs. There was a lot more waterfall below the bridge, but it wouldn't focus. This is a prime example of my phone hating direct sunlight.

That night I sat outside and watched the sunset.

This was the last picture I took on this trip. I had so much fun and I would love to go again.

Where is your favorite place that you've been on vacation?


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos! I love the ones of the creek and the sunset. I think my favorite place I've ever been on vacation would be Cocoa Beach, Florida.


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