Interactive Introverts

So if you weren't aware, the two humans known to the internet as Dan and Phil are currently on a world tour.* I was lucky enough to get tickets!

*It's going to be over in like a week though.
So this is a post/mental dump of everything that I remember about the show in a lovely bulleted list!
(If you are going to see them at some point and want to avoid spoilers, close this tab and come back later.)

❤ I would love to put pictures of my makeup and outfit, but all the pictures have my face in them and I don't want to do that. But I had rainbow earrings! I'm glad I felt confident enough to wear them.

❤ My dad made me drive most of the way to the theater. That's not really relevant to the show, but it proves that I kinda know how to drive.

❤ Then we took some intentionally-non-specific public transport to the theater, and we stopped to get Chipotle. It rained while we were walking to the restaurant, but my makeup survived!

❤ I could tell we were in the right place because there was a group of people with Dan and Phil shirts and sharpie cat whiskers crossing the road.

For the record, I have no idea who Nadia is.

❤ The person in front of us in line was wearing a Pride flag, which was really cool.

❤ Once we finally got inside, we went to get shirts. The merch line was super long, and there were even two tables. I was worried that we wouldn't get anything before the show started! We got to our seats about 5 minutes before showtime, so we barely made it.

❤ I got some pretty cool stuff.

Ft. my Dad as a jacket model

❤ It says "Introvert." Is that not the coolest jacket ever? I mean, come on. 

❤ They played Welcome To the Black Parade before the show. Obviously I filmed it, but I cannot get the video to work. Thanks, Blogger!

❤ When they first came on stage, I actually got teary-eyed because I was so excited. The auditorium filled with the loudest fangirl scream I have ever heard. Then the lights came on.

❤ We did a lot of screaming during the show. It was really, really loud. Allie said she could only tell that I was screaming because my mouth was open.

❤ They made a comment about the theater and how it gave off Arabian Nights vibes. They even sang a mini-duet of A Whole New World that lasted about three lines. I couldn't understand what they were singing because the audience was screaming so loud (I was among them). Dan said that nobody would want to watch that, and if they thought they did, they really didn't.

❤ Throughout the rest of the show, they made jokes about the "confused Aladdin fans" in the theater. "They're like, 'Wow, that Jasmine is really creepy.'" - Dan

❤ The show started with some Truth Bombs, which is a board game that Dan and Phil created. (They have a video on it if you want to actually understand the game.)
Some things I learned:
1. If Phil started a religion, it would be called the Philuminati, or my personal favorite, Houseplant Killers Anonymous.
2. Dan could win an Olympic Medal in Existential Planking. He even demonstrated for us.
3. Both of them will probably die from attempting to exercise, or from burning the house down while baking, or for not leaving the couch for three days.

❤ Next there was a simulation part, featuring a picture of "Phil in his underwear" which was really just a photoshopped picture of a bodybuilder with Phil's face. Then Satan showed up!

❤ "Are you cheering for Satan?" *screaming from the audience* "Are we in the South right now? Oh, it's just because he's shirtless." - Dan Howell 2018.

❤ Long story short, the simulation ended with Phil being sent to hell. Go watch the DanAndPhilCrafts Potato Prints video, it will explain everything.

❤ There was a survey part next. It wasn't super exciting.

❤ Then came the big question: Who would you sacrifice, Dan or Phil? They acted like the audience had betrayed them in some way. But before we could find out who got sacrificed, there was an intermission. I saw some of my friends, so that was cool!

❤ DAN GOT SACRIFICED. He got strapped to this wheel and Phil had to shoot various things at him. I felt bad for Dan.

❤ They talked about how they aren't exactly the same in person as they present online. This led into a game where they had to "switch roles." Phil represented everything good and angelic, and Dan was a demon, basically.

❤ Dan's "good" name was Wholesome Howell. I can't remember Phil's, but I know it was weird.

❤ Dan was given bad things, and he had to convince the audience that they actually were good. Phil was given good things, but he had to make them sound bad.

❤ Dan had to make taking candy from a baby into a good thing. His explanation was dental hygiene. Then he said something along the lines of, "So next time you see a baby with a lollipop in its mouth, you slap the candy away from it and stomp on it. That baby may be crying, but you just saved its life." Phil had to clarify that Dan meant to stomp on the candy, not the baby. Then Dan said something about drop kicking a baby.

❤ Phil had to convince us why scented candles were a bad thing, and he said that they might be a bad smell, or the smell might attract hundreds of beetles to your room. Both legitimate fears, I guess.

❤ Phil also had to explain why infinite pizza would be bad. He said something like, "So you have infinite pizza. At first it's like, oh, this is a great snack. But then it doesn't stop. It's filling the room. And it's over your head. Then it's all the way to the ceiling. And the last thing you see is a slice of pepperoni!"

❤ "Okay, how many of you would like to drown in pizza?" - Dan. *Several hundred people raise their hands.* Phil didn't win that one. 🤣

❤ Then there was... *intense music* the friend test. 

❤ I don't remember the questions at all, but I do remember that they had to prove they had some kind of mental connection and failed, and they got shocked as a result. At the end, they both got shocked, and the lights went out. (Clearly that was fake, but it was nice to not have the set lights on for a while.)

❤ Dan and Phil sat on the prop boxes and just talked about stuff! People submitted questions before the show, and they picked three of them to answer.

❤ "The only thing I miss about home is a stable WiFi connection." -Dan

❤ They also talked about job interviews and how at some point, someone had employed both of them, so if they could get a job, we could get a job. It was actually kind of inspiring.

❤ And then the lights came back on for the awards show! Firstly, PETS DRESSED AS DAN AND PHIL. There was a cat with a cutout of Dan's hair taped to its head and a tiny laptop!! And a black bunny with a sign that said, "I am darkness." And a yellow lab in red flannel and glasses that was Phil!! I wish they'd showed more because cute animals.

❤ Category 2: Most inaccurate predictions of the show. The only one I remember from this category was "Dan and Phil watch Shrek on stage and then leave." I think Dan said it would be a better show than the one they put on.

❤ Category 3: Most unimpressed parent. This was quite amusing. The winner had a shirt that said "My child is obsessed with two overgrown man-children" if I remember correctly.

❤ The final category was "What the People Want." The choices were Phil's diss track, Dan playing the piano, and a video of a dog that had nothing to do with Dan and Phil. The dog video won. It was a fantastic video.

❤ BUT THEN PHIL DID A DISS TRACK. IT WAS AMAZING. Although, everyone was screaming so loud I could barely hear it, so I'm just waiting on the official recording so I can figure out what he actually said. The parts I remember are as follows:
"My name's Phil Lester, thankfully not Mo, and it's finally time to drop my diss track yo!"
Something about this song being bad for your health. 
And something about him having a mouth like a sailor in real life, even though he never swears in his videos.

❤ DAN PLAYED THE PIANO! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL AND I GOT SO EMOTIONAL. Halfway through, Phil went back to rapping, which was funny, but Dan told him to sing something about the audience so he did.

(I'm pretty sure this was scripted but I loved it anyway) Dan said, "Phil, you're kind of blocking my spotlight. It's the Dan and Phil show, not the Phil and Background Piano Guy show." PHIL WENT UP AND SAT ON THE PIANO. THEY SANG TOGETHER. MY HEART METAPHORICALLY EXPLODED. 

❤ I think the Interactive Introverts song was my favorite part of the show. It was so cute!! And Dan played the piano! The crowd clapped along to the chorus and it was amazing.
Unfortunately, it seems as though all the recordings have been taken off YouTube. I watched the person in front of me record Phil's diss track, and I'm sure they weren't the only one. So I'll have to wait until the tour is over and they release the official video for it. (They had better release it or I'll mail myself to London and beg them.) (Actually, I would never do that. I can't afford the plane ticket.)

I still can't get over that I actually saw them in real life. It was amazing.

So that was my Interactive Introverts experience! If you actually read all this, thank  you. If you didn't, I don't blame you.


  1. Great! Sounds like you had fun! ;)

  2. Okay, I've never heard of Dan and Phil before this. *Shields away from fans* But it sounds awesome :)

    1. They're YouTubers who do gaming and comedy stuff. I think they're quite funny, but their sense of humor probably isn't for everyone.

  3. .... it's VERY hard for something to make me very offended. ( believe me, i'm not aa easy to offend person, and I can deal with about anything.) But I don't think i'd like this group. They Honestly sound downright offensive and it is REALLY hard for me to be a offended person. Heck, I mean i'm Christian and some groups of people who have actually made parody relgions as funny, ( Like the people who believe in a Pasta god , Pastafariansim.) , it's amsuing despite they are parody religions. But the show you described just sounds like one of the few types of shows that I find offensive. So people who offend other people as a means of entertainment, I find that : (. Not ok! It ain't that funny to me. It's just sad.

    1. Like I said earlier, their sense of humor isn't for everyone. From what I have observed they mostly put themselves down for the entertainment of their fans. Obviously I don't find their humor offensive, but if you do that's fine.

    2. understandable. On Another note, when you mentioned the Arabian Nights I have to say that is a AWESOME BOOK COLECTION!!! I love that collection. They are a colection of Arabian folk tales pretty much and the original version of it would be in Arabic so I have a translated to English copy ( I do not know how to read arabic :0 )

    3. I read a few of the stories for my literature class recently and enjoyed it. Again, in english, because I don't speak Arabic either.

  4. Haha, I've never heard of Dan and Phil (I don't go on YouTube much lol) but it sounds like their show was pretty funny 😂 I'm glad you've had such an amazing time!!

    Andrea @

    1. Yeah, it seems like a lot of you haven't heard of them. Thanks for reading, though!

  5. This sounds like it was so much fun! And your dad's jacket is the COOLEST thing EVER. 😂
    Also the "at least my makeup survived" is my mood 24/7 😂 😂

    1. It's actually my jacket, but I couldn't take a picture of my own back. It is awesome though!

  6. Oooh, I'm super jealous! Dan and Phil are both so precious! <3 <3 I'm glad that you got to see them, though! And that you had an awesome time!!! XD

    1. Yesss it was amazing!! They are sooo precious.

  7. I love writings about events like this! I used to write about every concert I went to, and it helped me remember the events for years after! I enjoyed your imagery and it felt like I was there. :-)

  8. Oh my gosh that sounds amazing Lanie!! I'm so happy you had fun!!

    Nabila | Hot Town Cool Girl


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