Fireworks Photography

You have no idea how great the temptation was to title this post after Firework by Katy Perry.

Anyway! Because I usually post pictures of events several months after they happen, today I'm posting my firework pictures from the Fourth of July.
I don't have much commentary, since they're just fireworks, but I hope you enjoy them all the same.

The clouds were so pretty as the sun was setting. This picture was taken to adjust my light settings for the show, but it turned out so well I thought I should share it.


I love when the fireworks light up the smoke. You'll see a lot of pictures like that in this post.

I think this is the same firework as the last one, but it turned green.

This reminds me of a galaxy.

Just red smoke.

I love that little blue firework!

I just love this one.

Gold fireworks are my favorite ones.

They're like colorful stars.

It's pink!

This was the end of the show, when the smoke was so thick we could barely see the fireworks.

I have dozens more pictures because I basically watched the entire show through my camera, but I thought this post was long enough.
What's your favorite color of firework?


  1. Lanie, you are a really good photgapher. You made them look so real! :) Have a good week and i can't decide which pic i like best they are all awesome!

  2. All the photos are gorgeous!! I love watching fireworks :)

    1. Thank you! Me too, fireworks are so stunning.

  3. Omg these are all so beautiful!! I love fireworks 😍 This seems like an amazing fireworks display! And these are great photos 😊

  4. Your photography is pretty swell. Each firework is so different from another- it's so fun to watch them suddenly explode into bursts of color!


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