My 2-year Blogiversary!

(I'm trying out making stuff with Canva. Tell me what you think)

Welcome to my party! Evy's Little Corner is two years old today! *Pats blog gently on the head* We're very proud of it.

This also happens to be post number 101. So that's pretty cool. I have some stats and then a survey.

Great party song. It's amazing.

Posts: 101!
Views: 5,962 in the whole two years.
Comments: 75-ish. Half of them are me replying to you guys.
Most viewed post: The Sister Tag (kind of?) with 77 views.
Followers: 12. Not a big number, but I appreciate all of you.

Most views are from the United States, because that's where I'm located, but there are also a lot of views from Russia and other European countries.

That's all the stats I have. But I still have a survey, if you want to take it? Please?

Here's a link if it's not working right :)

I've been running this place for two years now. Last year I said I didn't think it would last more than a few months, and look where we are now. I'd be lying if I said it was all me, because mostly it's you all.

Thank you so much for being supportive.
You guys are awesome.


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