You're The Last Of A Dying Breed

As I'm sure you dedicated writers know, NaNoWriMo is fast approaching. With as fast as September passed, I bet it'll be knocking on the door before I'm even done with my Halloween costume. Because I'm off-task, not because Halloween has been postponed two days this year. (That would put it on my birthday!)
One year ago, I was super hyped for my first NaNo. This year, I'm not so sure. There are two reasons for this.

The first is that I started attending public school, and last year I was homeschooled. Six hours of school plus homework and dance takes up all of my time. I can barely make time to write posts and draw.
The second reason is that I'm not sure if I can find that much motivation. I tried both months of Camp NaNo, and lost at both of them. I say that I lost because I quit trying. Starting NaNo with that hanging over my head seems like a recipe for disappointment.
Maybe I'm a little pessimistic.

I got six responses from you all on my survey! Thank you so much. Most of you requested more story posts, art posts, and tags. If you missed the survey, please take it here!

Since you're all here, I'm going to do a little update on Nameless. I decided to finish all of it before I posted any more, and it is almost done, but it's turning out a lot more horror-ish than I intended. At this point, I'm not sure that I want to post it because of content. How would it go over with you guys?

And now you wonder: What the heck does the title have to do with the post? Let me explain.

I'm not linking the music video for semi-graphic content (I couldn't watch it all the way through) so have a fan-made lyric video instead. This is my favorite song ever right now. I love Fall Out Boy, minus their creepy llamas. Why, Pete.

Leave a comment if Fall Out Boy is also taking over your brain. Long live the car crash hearts.


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