Peach Blossom Appreciation

The peach trees in my yard bloomed a few weeks ago. I took so many photos of them. They're so pretty that I can't resist! Plus, photography makes me feel like I'm doing something productive instead of just standing outside and staring at the flowers.
Click the pictures to make them bigger.

I love how the bright pink and green contrasts with the bright blue spring sky.

By now, the blossoms have fallen off and the leaves have come out. I'm sad that I can't see the flowers anymore, but in their place are little peaches a bit bigger than the tip of my finger. This tree grew buckets and buckets of ripe peaches last summer, so now we wait for this batch to grow.

A visitor! I love taking pictures of bees.

I have so many pictures of these flowers. I could go on for ages.

I love how vivid these colors are.

I saw a few smaller bees around that might have been honeybees, but carpenter bees like this one are a lot bigger and easier to photograph.

I don't have any deep message to share in this post. I just really like flowers and bees.
What signs of spring have you been seeing?


  1. The trees' flowers look beautiful. :) I really love the photos you took.
    As for more signs of spring that I've seen, I've seen the leaves on trees around my house grow a lot over the past week.

    1. Thank you! I love how leaves look in spring.

  2. These are beautiful! I remember before we moved we had peach trees at our house! The blossoms were so gorgeous.

    1. I never realized you had peaches. That's neat!

  3. These are lovely! I love the ones with the bees. I'm going to show my sons (Sam and Jake), who are remote-friends with Andrew (having only met him in person once or twice lol)


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